Saturday, May 5, 2012

Senior Pictures: Brennah

Brennah is my very best friend.  She is so sweet and beautiful--inside and out!  It was pretty easy to take pictures of her, since it's impossible for her to look bad--ever.  She's just one of those people, you know?

I just love Brennah so much!  She is the most precious best friend.

Well... my first "people post"!  And I have another photo shoot scheduled for next week!  Woohoo!  So far things are going... pretty good. :)


mary ann said... [Reply]

these are gorgeous! you did a great job, brooke :) and I know, I always wish I was one of those people... :)

Carli said... [Reply]

beautiful, beautiful photos!! I love her outfit!!


Emily Grace said... [Reply]

Beautiful shots, Brooke! My favorite is this one--amazing catch lights & expression! =)

Brooke said... [Reply]

Thanks Maryann! I know what you mean... That's why I'm behind the camera!

Brooke said... [Reply]

Thank you Emily! :)

Stephanie Dixon said... [Reply]

These are beautiful! I love the one where she's sitting on the red chair! You are fantastic Brooke! :)

Brooke said... [Reply]

Thanks! She loves vintage dresses, so that's what she wore. :)

Brooke said... [Reply]

:) thank you, Steph! You're so sweet. :)

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